Editorial Guidelines

Our team of editors and writers at Project Hairstyles are constantly seeking out what’s new and exciting in the world of hairstyles. We take great pride in our work and strive to create original, accurate, authoritative, and well-researched content free of ethical concerns, conflicts, and misinformation.

We uphold the principles of content integrity, including the following editorial policies:


The Project Hairstyles editors adhere to strict standards for article sourcing. We rely on current and reputable primary sources, such as expert interviews, government, city, and state organizations, and professional and academic institutions. All data points, facts, and claims are backed up by at least one reputable source.

Our content strives to serve and represent all communities. A cornerstone of our reporting and sourcing is to consider multiple perspectives, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and women.

Independence and Impartiality

We believe in independent, fair, and impartial journalism. Our editors and writers are held accountable to a high standard of honesty and transparency, and our original editorial content is not influenced by our advertisers. As such, we maintain a strict separation between advertising and editorial content. Any content that is provided by or on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor is clearly labeled as such.

Fact Checking

As part of the editorial process, our writers interview relevant, qualified sources for stories, then verify all information and data included in their final stories. We strive to provide proper context and background information to help our readers. All stories are then reviewed and edited by a top editor; we assess content for grammar, accuracy, readability, and relevance. If you have noticed an issue with a specific piece of content, please bring it to our attention by emailing [email protected].


Our editorial team is committed to producing high-quality, factual content. If there is an error in a story, we will correct it as soon as possible. All corrections will be clearly labeled as such and will include what changes were made and when. When an article is factually correct, but the language is not as clear or detailed as necessary, the story may be updated without an editor’s note.

Timely and daily news stories generally cover a distinct event in time, so they are not routinely updated. Our editorial team consistently reevaluates and updates evergreen content to ensure everything is timely, accurate, and relevant. The date-stamp at the top of each article reflects when it was last updated.

If you believe you have found an error, please notify us by emailing [email protected].


Our team strives to create original, helpful, and fair content on ProjectHairstyles.com, which means our stories must be verified, properly attributed, and may not infringe the copyright or anyone’s intellectual property rights. Any suggestion of plagiarism is investigated fully and is grounds for dismissal. We expect all contributors on the network to abide by all applicable laws, standards, and accepted journalistic practices, including:

  • Society of Professional Journalists Ethics Code
  • Copyright Law of the United States
  • FTC Guidelines on Disclosures
  • Fair Use

Editors and writers at Project Hairstyles are prohibited from giving preferential treatment to any outside company, publication, or website based on their relationship with the person who authors or owns that resource. Our editors and writers are also responsible for disclosing potential conflicts of interest that might compromise their ability to share fair and impartial information.